Baptismal Preparation
Baptism is the first of the three (3) sacraments and through Baptism we are incorporated into the Church and are 'reborn' as daughters and sons of God.
The Catholic Church requires all parents to undertake a Preparation Class before the Baptism of their children can take place. Here at St Francis Xavier, Baptisms are held on the Third Sunday of the month (excluding January) during the 9.00am Mass. The Baptism is celebrated over a period of three (3) Sundays: First Sunday of the month, the child is Welcomed at the 9.00am Mass. Second Sunday of the month, the parents and at least one (1) Godparent are to attend Baptism Preparation which is held in the Church after the 9.00am Mass. Third Sunday of the month, if all is in order i.e. all paperwork handed in and the sessions have been attended, the Baptism takes place during the 9.00am Mass. Before a Baptism can take place, the parents must complete a Baptism Enrolment Form (click on link). You can also request a form from the Parish Office or you can download it form the website under the tabs - 'Contacts & Links, Forms & Downloads'. If you wish to celebrate your child's Baptism in a particular month, the Parish Office must receive the completed Enrolment Form no later than the third Friday in the prior month, clearly stating which month you would prefer. The Enrolment Form has to be signed by the Birth parents stating there is no restriction on the Baptism and must be accompanied by a copy of the Birth Certificate of the child being baptised. The Catholic parent(s) are also required to produce a Baptismal Certificate. The certificate is available from the church in which their Baptism took place. If you live outside the Parish district from where you wish the Baptism to take place, you will need to seek permission from your home Parish Priest. Please speak to our Parish Secretary if you feel you need assistance. Under the revised Sacramental Programme issued by the Archdiocese of Brisbane, children of the age of seven (7) or over, are no longer candidates for infant Baptism. These children will need to be enrolled in a modified program of the RCIA - The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, which leading to the celebration of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion during Easter. Please speak to your Parish Priest if you have any questions. |